Thursday 28 July 2011

Learning Activity 10: Typeface Panel

This is my Learning Activity 10: Typeface Panel. I chose to use the font/typeface called Book Antiqua, because I like to read books, and I also thought that it would be fun to try something new and different to a font that I would normally use.

For Example: Courier New, Times New Roman.

Thursday 14 July 2011

This is my Learning Activitity 9: Sketching Layouts.

This is a Wire Frame Layout For The Entry Page For A Website.  I was inspired by the British Borstal film, Scum (1979).

This is my Club Newsletter, The Beare News. I looked at the t.v. program, "Mother & Son" for an

This is my layout for a business card, for the Zoologist, Dr. Christopher J. Beverley.