Thursday 17 November 2011

Learning Activity 13 Poster Design.

This is my Learning Activity 13 Poster Design.

This is my design for the quote, "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein.

How I arrived at the Design.

How I arrived at the Design for the quote, "Imagination is mor important than knowledge" Albert Einstein, is that I chose to use the typeface family, Lucida Sans.

Why I arrived at the Design.

Why I arrived at the Design, was by using Lucida Sans. I also used the blue font colour, Blue, Accent 1.
I broke down the quote by emphasising the words that needed it, by underlining them. I also used the Character Spacing to Expand the words, so that they would stand out more.

I also arrived at the Design that I created, so that I could make it fun and interesting.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Learning Activity 12: Good and Bad Type.

This is my Learning Activity 12: Good and Bad Type Assignment.

Good Type.

1)  TAFE Tasmania Library Services Logo.

      This is a good use of type, because the Logo stands out. It informs the Viewer, by being direct and to the

 2)  Scary Low Prices.

      Scary Low Prices is a good use of typeface, because it is an advertisement for Chemist Warehouse. It is 
      also advertising Halloween Specials for the customers who shop at Chemist Warehouse.

      The colour and the type stand out, to attract the Reader's attention.

            3) Another Mambo Triple One.

               This is a good use of typeface, because it is a combination of both type (text) and graphics. It also
               informs the Viewer what the product is - it is a Mambo t-shirt label, from a Mambo t-shirt.

               4) Ritchie_Vicious_ Sid & Mum.jpg.
                   This is a good use of type, because it is a print layout (portrait) of the British punk musician Sid
                   Vicious and his mother, Mrs. Anne Beverley. I like this photo because it shows that Sid loved
                    his Mum and it was taken before he died in New York City on February 2nd 1979.


                 5) Horseless Carriage.

                     This is a good use of type, because it is a very clear image of a Horseless Carriage. The
                     Horseless Carriage was one of America's first internal- combustion motor cars.

                    Bad Type.

              1) Fundamental As Anything CD Cover.

                 This CD cover, Fundamental As Anything, is a bad use of type, because it has a red background
                 colour with large Bold lettering.  The text (type) is white. This design does not work out, because
                 it clashes with the background colour.

                    2) Steele Rudd's On Our Selection program.

                        This is a bad typeface, because of the positioning of the text.


                      3)  Dollar Deals Woolworths the fresh food people.

                           This catalogue, is a bad use of type, because the heading (Dollar Deals) has been
                           positioned by right-aligning the text.


             4) Welcome To Australia Flyer.

                 This is a bad typeface, because it is in Bold. The text is hard on the Viewer's eyes and is
                 multicoloured. The typeface (text) doesn't stand out enough.
                 e.g. the reader has to look at the Flyer more than once, so that they can find out what it (the
                       Flyer) is about.


                     5) The ARIA Singles Chart Week Ending 3rd November 1991.

                         This is a bad use of typeface, because of the Colour.

                        The Colour scheme consists of red text (type) on a white background. This makes it
                        (the text) hard on the Reader's eyesight.

                        I think that the designer of this chart, should have used black text (type) with a much clearer
                        font. This would make it (the ARIA Singles Chart) less of a strain on the Reader's eyes. It
                       would make it easier for them to read.