Thursday 17 November 2011

Learning Activity 13 Poster Design.

This is my Learning Activity 13 Poster Design.

This is my design for the quote, "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein.

How I arrived at the Design.

How I arrived at the Design for the quote, "Imagination is mor important than knowledge" Albert Einstein, is that I chose to use the typeface family, Lucida Sans.

Why I arrived at the Design.

Why I arrived at the Design, was by using Lucida Sans. I also used the blue font colour, Blue, Accent 1.
I broke down the quote by emphasising the words that needed it, by underlining them. I also used the Character Spacing to Expand the words, so that they would stand out more.

I also arrived at the Design that I created, so that I could make it fun and interesting.

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